Creative Solutions
for Complex Data

Applying Rigorous Mathematics to Develop Novel and Computationally Feasible Systems

Creative Solutions
for Complex Data

Applying Rigorous Mathematics to Develop Novel and Computationally Feasible Systems

Enumerati applies an Information Physics approach to problem-solving, leveraging proprietary Combinatorics-derived Hyperdigraph and Multi-Cubic Lattice algorithms, and associated computational platforms.
Our deterministic mathematical approach to nondeterministic problems can directly support AI/ML initiatives, by reducing the complexity of required mixed-data, pattern-cluster training sets.

    Bridging the Analysis Gap

    Enumerati embraces complexity, bridging the gap between micro- and macro-scales by working at the meso-scale.

    This allows us to more effectively attack problem sets that are typically:

    Too large for numerical analysis

    Too small for Monte Carlo techniques

    Too coupled to apply statistical methods

    Enumerati’s computational solutions have been successfully applied to modeling and analyzing:

    • Cell-Signaling Pathways

    • Supply Chain Risk Mitigation

    • Social Networks

    • Financial Data Flows

    • Power Grid Sustainability

    • Critical Infrastructure Vulnerabilities

    As well as in enabling:



    About Enumerati

    For decades, Scientists have worked to engineer creative and effective solutions for a wide array of complex, large-scale data, network, and signal processing challenges, for government and confidential commercial clients. Based on our groundbreaking discoveries, we are now applying proprietary techniques to a new set of scientific and commercial applications.

      Our Lead Principal Scientists

      Dr. Joseph S. Oliveira

      Dr. Janet B. Jones-Oliveira

      Select Prior Published Works by Our Scientists

      Hyperdigraph-theoretic analysis of the EGFR signaling network: initial steps leading to GTP:Ras complex formation

      A Computational Model for the Identification of Biochemical Pathways in the Krebs Cycle

      Absolute and uniform convergence of alternate forms of the prolate spheroidal radial wave functions

      Implication Algebras and the Metropolis – Rota Axioms for Cubic Lattices

      An Algebraic-combinatorial Model for the Identification and Mapping of Biochemical Pathways

      Ready to
      Learn More?

      While the world waits for super-computation, Enumerati’s innovative solutions tackle complex data collection challenges today.

      Get in touch now, for more information.

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